Are you using Hyperdecks? Let's get in touch, tell us about your work! Looking forward to meet you!
Beta testing, apply below! - Carefree multicam recording for postproduction
This is the ultimate way to handle multi-camera recordings with Black Magic Hyperdecks. Start and stop recording with a single click and our tool will take care of the rest. Hyperdeck Media Manager gives your video files clear unique names with a timestamp and source name.
While recording is ongoing, we offload your videos – now with 10Gbit/s – to a standard industry folder structure and creates a backup on a second volume. With two copies and all files in the decks, this workflow is a fundamental safety chain to assure that your recordings are preserved!
In non-timecode setups, HyperDeck Media Manager will manage synchronous timecode for you, even if decks are started independently. You can always synchronize sources by timecode! Your multi-cam editing project is up and running with a few clicks.
With a single license you can use unlimited copies to control your fleet of Hyperdecks in any formation. Hyperdeck Media Manager is made by people working in multicam production daily.
Recording done = media management done!
Available for MacOS, Linux and Windows.
Are you using Hyperdecks? Let's get in touch, tell us about your work! Looking forward to meet you!